1,000+ Recruiters hire with TalentKoala
Automate the recruitment tasks you hate.
TalentKoala is the recruitment toolkit that helps agency and in-house recruiters to save time, hire smarter, and achieve better results.

Want a personalised demo to see all the tools in action?
For recruiters.
By recruiters.
Introducing TalentKoala, the recruiting toolkit that makes painful, tedious recruitment tasks effortless.
Built by recruiters for recruiters, we've experienced your pain and developed these solutions to solve our problems.
Our goal is make your life as a recruiter as easy and simple as possible.
Whether it's creating inclusive and unbiased job adverts with zero effort, transforming those adverts into animated videos we can instantly push to our socials, or the effortless building of detailed boolean search strings and interview plans that allow for a truly consistent and objective hiring process, TalentKoala helps you get to where you need to get to in seconds.
Built by recruiters for recruiters, we've experienced your pain and developed these solutions to solve our problems.
Our goal is make your life as a recruiter as easy and simple as possible.
Whether it's creating inclusive and unbiased job adverts with zero effort, transforming those adverts into animated videos we can instantly push to our socials, or the effortless building of detailed boolean search strings and interview plans that allow for a truly consistent and objective hiring process, TalentKoala helps you get to where you need to get to in seconds.
reduction in time spent writing job adverts
increase in applications per role
job adverts written per month
average annual ROI for our clients
2hr 54m
weekly savings per recruiter
Be more effective recruiters
Create job adverts in just 11 seconds.
Save huge amounts of time, and effortlessly publish syllable-perfect, SEO optimised, job board ready job adverts in seconds. Perfect for recruiters who want to be more productive and spend more time developing relationships.
Save huge amounts of time
Free up hundreds of hours for your team to focus on building relationships.
Ramp-up advert quality
Fully optimised, syllable perfect job adverts that attract the best hires.
Fill more roles
Higher rankings means more applicants and more roles filled first time.
Rocket propel productivity
Get your team working at a higher level than ever before.

Easily make every advert inclusive.
Remove any unconscious bias from your job adverts, which means a more inclusive hiring process, more diverse applicants, inequality eliminated and being able to hire with a conscience.
Champion inclusivity
Ensure your job adverts are bias-free, generating diverse applicants.
Enhance diversity
Make your jobs appeal to a wider potential audience.
Get more applications
More diverse job adverts means more people willing to apply.
Hire the best talent
More applications increases the quality of talent you're hiring from.

Job advert > social media in one click.
Amplify the reach of your job adverts by effortlessly converting them into fully animated videos which you can instantly share on your socials.
Boost visibility of your jobs
Create viral posts that get shared in social networks to boost applications.
Massive reach in one click
Share your media to any connected social media in seconds.
Massage the algorithm
Frequent posts means positive credit in the eyes of the social media companies.
Champion your brand
Get your business front of mind in your ideal hire's eyes.

Bespoke interview plans in seconds.
Remove subjectivity from an hiring process whilst becoming an interviewing god at the same time. Entire interview frameworks and model answers, including full competency interviews bespoke to the role you're recruiting, created in seconds at the click of a button.
Ensure objectivity
Consistent interviews for candidates allow you to select the perfect hire.
Be an employer of choice
Professional interviews make candidates want to work for you.
Competency assessment
Identify the killer competencies you must assess for skills fit.
Hire the perfect people
Better interviews means better quality hires who stay and don't leave.

Complex boolean with no effort.
Getting your ANDs, ORs and NOTs in the right places can be painful for any recruiter tackling boolean. TalentKoala takes that pain away. Just upload a job description and a complex boolean string is automatically created for you to paste into CV databases.
Increased accuracy
Additional job titles, industries and competitors included in the string.
Pinpoint top people
Better boolean means higher chance of finding the right talent for your role.
Fully customisable
Intuitive interface lets you add or remove any item you see fit.
Save lots of time
Reduces time spent creating boolean by 99.9%.

Scale & simplicity at our core.
Unlimited users, top results.
Get your entire team on TalentKoala where they can share and collaborate results.
Get creating in seconds.
Once you're inside TalentKoala it takes seconds to create your first job advert, boolean string, interview plan or job video.

See how TalentKoala can transform how you recruit.
TalentKoala's recruitment toolkit helps recruiters be more efficient, be better at the job and be more productive. Book a demo now and we'll show you the features that are important to you and your recruitment team.
Job adverts
Create job board ready job adverts in 11 seconds
Inclusivity checker
Remove any unconscious bias from your job ads
Video & image media
Instantly transfrom any job advert into a viral social post
Interview plans
Build bespoke, multi-stage interview plans in seconds
Boolean strings
Painlessly build complex boolean strings in an instant
And we're trusted by 1,000 internal recruiters to make their lives easier...❤️
TalentKoala is a game-changer in job advert creation, transforming a time-intensive task into a matter of seconds, without compromising quality.
TalentKoala has been a valuable tool in helping us work towards one of our goals of creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce
Who needs job boards? All I do now is post TalentKoala's social images and watch my job go viral. Godsend.
Awesome tool. Helped us add huge amounts of value to our clients and deepen our relationship with them.
Can't begin to tell you how much I hate creating boolean strings. Thank god for TalentKoala!
Makes a horrible task painless. My team hated writing job adverts - not a problem anymore. Easy recommend.
Who would have thought I could sell interview plans to my clients and stop fee erosion? Genius move from TalentKoala.
11 second job adverts immediately ready to publish. No need to say anymore.